In the latest installment of Graveyard Gang Comics, we learn that Buster can not only annoy the living but the dead as well! Yes, this ghost has a bee in his bonnet so Buster had better watch out! My pal Mat[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged haunted
Buster’s baaaack! The Graveyard Gang’s resident big mouth is back in the corner and the corner’s getting a bit crowded! This week features the return of that pesky ghost and the debut of a new character, Cora Kane! Cora Kane[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The corner’s getting a bit crowded in this week’s installment of Graveyard Gang Comics! Buster’s baby brother Piccolo is back to confound our resident mischief maker. Even the Poltergeist, ‘Pollerguest’ according to Buster, is back, although not to blame for this week’s[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The Graveyard Girls’ Club – Don’t Mess With Midnight Mary pg.1
I’m proud to debut the first page of a new concept in the world of The Graveyard Gang – The Graveyard Girl’s Club! I’ve been yammering about this for a bit so I’m so glad to finally get it out into the world.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The Graveyard Girls’ Club – Don’t Mess With Midnight Mary pg.2
Hello, and welcome to page 2 of The Graveyard Girls’ Club adventure – Don’t Mess With Midnight Mary! In this installment, we get to see the girls in action as they embark on their secret mission! I’m really happy to get going[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The Graveyard Girls’ Club – Don’t Mess With Midnight Mary pg.3
Here we are again with the latest page of The Graveyard Girls’ Club! And this week the plot thickens! Now we know why the girls are traipsing around the graveyard with some pieces of wood and a bag of supplies. The girls’ want[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The Graveyard Girls’ Club – Don’t Mess With Midnight Mary pg.4
The girls get to work in today’s Graveyard Girls’ Club episode! We find out why the girls are eager to get back at Buster as they assemble their own ‘Midnight Mary.’ That Buster cannot help but be annoying so we’ll have[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The spiders wait for their fly in today’s Graveyard Girls’ Club installment! The girls can’t wait to prank Buster, we’ll have to see if it all goes according to plan! We get a brief cameo by Lope and Presto this week as[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The Graveyard Girls’ Club – Don’t Mess With Midnight Mary pg.6
Keep calm the Graveyard Girls’ Club is back! Page 6 of our story has the girls finally springing their trap! I think they got Buster’s attention, what do you think? The story picks up speed with this page and things get frightful[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The Graveyard Girls’ Club – Don’t Mess With Midnight Mary pg.7
The Graveyard Girls’ Club get back at Buster for his ‘no more girls in the Graveyard Gang’ talk but it looks like their victory may be short-lived! Annie’s right who woulda guessed? The action keeps up with this week’s page and we’ll[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…