Poor, poor Buster, he’s just trying to do the right thing (most of the time)! It isn’t easy trying to secretly battle all kinds of supernatural menaces alongside his pals in The Graveyard Gang! But rest assured, most of the time he deserves a little punishment and that’s just for things his mama finds out about!

Most of the ‘I’ve Been Cornered’ strips will be one panel, even more a nod to one of my favorite comic strips, which I’ve mentioned plenty of times, ‘Dennis The Menace.’ Like Dennis, Buster tends to get in trouble quite a bit, so it’s only natural that he too would spend plenty of time in the corner!

I have to admit it’s so different doing a gag comic as opposed to a serialized adventure comic. It’s been a great learning experience for me but don’t worry I got more adventures coming just as soon as I finish the children’s book I’m doing for the Boston Comic Con in August!

Again, thank you all so much for all your support and for reading my Graveyard Gang Comics! Please spread the word and make sure you come back soon! Have a great week!

Oh and one last thing! This Saturday (June 11) I’ll be at the Kid’s Con New England at the Holiday Inn 172 N Main St, Concord, NH. Come by and say ‘Hi’! Click here for more info!