Piccolo and his pal do a bit of exploring and look at what they find, another ‘character’ in our little tale and as we get to know him, we’ll learn he’s pretty deep! (Ha sorry couldn’t resist!) As you can probably tell Piccolo has a talent for wandering into odd situations, like how did he end up in the crypt in issue #1? He has another talent too, annoying his big brother mainly because Buster has to always keep an eye on him! Well keep your eyes peeled yourself dear readers as our story continues.
Where is the Gang you ask? Don’t worry they’re gonna turn up, but for now enjoy reading the adventures of our toddler of few words!
Creating this page brought back fond memories playing in the woods myself when I was a kid. My friends and I spent hours playing all kinds of games and having ‘adventures.’ We even tried sledding through the woods one winter, man that was crazy but fun!
Thanks so much for reading and please leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you! Let me know what you think of my comic or feel free to share any adventures in the woods you had as a kid! Also please spread the word about my comic and cast a vote for it HERE so I can get The Graveyard Gang higher in the ranking at Top Web Comics – that way more readers can find me! Thanks so much!
Great page, Rich. It looks incredible my friend.
Thanks so much for the kind words Eric, I really appreciate you leaving a comment! Yeah it took a bit of doing coming up with my wooded ‘sets’ for this issue, I’m glad you like them!
Don’t go near that well!
Aw what’s the fun in that! 😉 Lucky for me the kids in my comic can’t help but get into mischief! Thank you very much for reading AND commenting, it’s greatly appreciated!
I also loved playing in the woods as a child…I never could get close to the woodland creatures though…
It was lots of fun in the good old days! I remember a not-so-bright moment when me and my pals smelled a skunk and went on a ‘hunt’ for it! Believe it or not we DID find it, dead in a paper bag! I’ll never forget it’s maggot covered corpse, ugh! Thanks for checking out my comic Tim AND commenting I really appreciate it! We’ll have to have Vinnie and Sunny over for a play date with the Gang! 😉
I know, let’s throw the squirrel down there so we can hear it splash! That’s probably what I’d do if I were a kid, not realizing it would contaminate the water :OP
My brothers, friends and I would take machetes into the woods and blaze trails. It was fun! We also made forts and bows and arrows with saplings and branches.
Ah the good old days eh Joseph? I look back at those years fondly too, hours and hours of fun! Thanks for reading AND commenting Pal, I enjoy ‘chatting’ with you! Check out next week’s page to see what Piccolo does now that he’s found the well!
What kid with a stinky dead squirrel in his hand could resist a smelly old well? Love Piccolo’s sausage fingers, btw! And those backgrounds are luscious!!
Thank you Mark! That’s quite a compliment coming from an amazing artist such as yourself, it means a lot to me! Working here in my bubble I always wonder if my stuff ok and how readers will react to it.
And stay tooned, as Piccolo’s antics continue!
Is that an old grave in the bg of the first panel? If Piccolo isn’t careful he’s gonna end up like that squirrel! Can’t wait to explore that well and maybe catch a glimpse of a monster 😀
That’s an old something Mat, very observant of you! 🙂 We’ll have to wait and see what that’s about later! We have to worry about that darn well right now! Thanks so much for reading AND commenting, I enjoy hearing from you!
I love the alliteration on this page! Shades of “V for Vendetta”. 😀
Thanks Pal, I appreciate it! For this first part of the story I was going for a ‘Fractured Fairytale by way of Charles Addams’ feel. I had to rely on narration for this first part since Piccolo is a toddler of few words! Thanks again for reading AND commenting!