Little Piccolo is back! Buster’s little brother hasn’t been seen since Issue #1’s adventure ‘The Mystery of the Crypt Creep’! He’s an odd little tyke as you can see by today’s page! While the Graveyard Gang is off having their adventures look what this kid’s up to! We’ll have to wait and see what kind of trouble he gets into in the coming installments.

I’m trying something different with my text boxes this time out, I’ll be using them quite a bit in this story since Piccolo is a toddler of very few words! And the small thought balloon in panel 2 is about all you’ll know about what he’s thinking. I like that he’s mysterious, makes him a fun character to write even though his antics drive Buster crazy!

As a huge  H.P. Lovecraft fan, I’ve had this story in my noggin for quite a while so I’m thrilled to finally have it done to share with you! But don’t worry, this is still a horror story that can be enjoyed by  the whole family !(well more like age 8 and up!)

Thanks for reading and come back next week to find out what Piccolo and his new ‘friend’ do next! What do you think so far? Please let me know by leaving a comment, I’d love to hear from you! I’d also ask if you could spread the word about my comic to potential fans young and old.

Oh and if you haven’t already, listen to The Graveyard Gang theme music it’s pretty cool and give my comic a vote on ‘Top Web Comics’ button on the right side of my blog, thank you!