The Thing strikes! And that mean old crow gets a big surprise! This is the first appearance of the Thing in our story (yeah, I know you get to see it on the cover too wiseguy). I love the creatures for H.P. Lovecraft’s yarns, so I hope you like the monster I created in the same vein. It was tougher than I thought, I wanted to make it creepy and a bit ‘off’ but not too scary for my younger readers, how’d I do? I kind of based it on an old Kimba cartoon that had this freaky plant monster attacking the white lion and his friends. I haven’t see the episode in years but the memory of it still sticks with me and I didn’t go look it up online either since I wanted to go with just my memory of it!

The Thing ate some crow today, boy it’s not a picky eater! Now that the flying fiend’s gone, what new threats await our tiny hero? And where’s The Graveyard Gang? Stay tooned dear readers for next week’s page!

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