Uh oh, Marcie and Lope forgot the magic words! I mean how hard could it be to remember ‘Naa-Batha-Rama-Soom’? Kinda rolls off the tongue doesn’t it?

This is where the story gets tricky to illustrate! I work in Adobe Illustrator, so using lots of layers, I was able to create the transparent look for the Thing, I think it came out pretty good! And since this is a ‘land’ Lovecraftian menace, I decided on using more insect-like features.

Toon in for more of the action-packed confrontation next week! Will the Gang remember those pesky magic words? They better before they end up as dessert!

Here’s my weekly requests to help out The Graveyard Gang!

1. Please leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you and what you think of The Graveyard Gang! Ask a question about my comic, I’ll gladly answer it. Thanks so much for all of you who have dropped me a line, I greatly appreciate it!

2. Give a vote for my comic at Top Web Comics!  Cast a vote HERE to get The Graveyard Gang higher in the rankings and hopefully help more readers find my comic!

3. Please spread the word about my comic. There’s sure to be some potential fans, especially kids out there, I just gotta connect with them.

Thanks again for reading and for all your support!!