The Gang gets free from the clutches of the Thing! Now it’s up to Lope to put the amulet to good use!  Like anyone Marcie and Lope are pretty terrified by this monster but they still want to do what they can to stop it from eating more than cows and birds! These little heroes are just beginning to be put to the test, as they will all have face their fears as they encounter more and more supernatural menaces. There is a bigger story being told here as I slowly introduce you to my cast of characters and the strange town of Ghostport.

I had fun creating this page especially panel 1 with the bouncing Lope! And during all the action the kids have kept up chanting those words in hopes of getting rid of the Thing!

I hope  you’re enjoying my nod to to H. P. Lovecraft, an author whose influence will be seen again for sure! My next ‘tribute’ story will be coming up next and I won’t even give you a hint other than it’s a Christmas story! I have another one coming up in Issue #7 that’s a nod to the work of Mike Mignola, creator of Hellboy and a whole bunch of creepy characters!

And now the NEWS! Two bits of info I thought I should share that’s happening this coming weekend!

First, I’ll be appearing Saturday and Sunday at MICE 2014 in Cambridge, MA! It’s an indie Comic Con and I’m very thrilled to be a part of it! Check out all the details HERE!

Secondly, I’m gonna be on the radio! Host Dr. Chris conducted an interview with me a coupe of weeks ago and it’s due to air this Sunday! Check out The Radio of Horror’s Facebook Page HERE! for all the show’s info!

And now my weekly words about how you can help out The Graveyard Gang! 

1. Please leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you and what you think of The Graveyard Gang! Ask a question about my comic, I’ll gladly answer it. Thanks so much for all of you who have dropped me a line, I greatly appreciate it!

2. Give a vote for my comic at Top Web Comics!  Cast a vote HERE to get The Graveyard Gang higher in the rankings and hopefully help more readers find my comic!

3. Please spread the word about my comic. There’s sure to be some potential fans, especially kids out there, I just gotta connect with them.

I really appreciate all that you’ve all done on my behalf  and for your continued support!