The Final Christmas Spirit arrives and it’s – Sneezer! I always wanted Sneezer to be the ‘big finish’ for The Graveyard Gang version of the Christmas Spirits, I think he’s perfect for the job, messy but good! One aspect of doing this tale in a ‘storybook’ format was to pick the perfect single image to show. Of course being a visual person I kind of had the images in my head right away and actually didn’t have to change much as the script came together.

Next week marks the grand finale of The Graveyard Gang Christmas Carol, so be sure to take a quick break from all your holiday festivities to see what happens!

Here’s another spirited request asking your help promoting The Graveyard Gang! 

1. Please leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you and what you think of The Graveyard Gang! Ask a question about my comic, I’ll gladly answer it. Thanks so much for all of you who have dropped me a line, I greatly appreciate it!

2. Give a vote for my comic at Top Web Comics!  Cast a vote HERE to get The Graveyard Gang higher in the rankings and hopefully help more readers find my comic!

3. Please spread the word about my comic. There’s sure to be some potential fans, especially kids out there, I just gotta connect with them.

I appreciate so much all that you’ve all done on my behalf and for your continued support and I want to wish you and families the best of Holidays!