Day 11 of my Halloween Monster Face project and I’ve did a doodle of another classic monster– the Werewolf! I’m not totally happy with this one, so expect a few more of these before I’m done! If you haven’t gathered[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for Art By Rich
For Day 12 I drew something that scares most people – A Clown! Yes it wouldn’t be Halloween without one of these creepy critters! Stephen King’s IT left a huge impression on me, probably a big part being the scariest clown of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey Gang, day 13’s Halloween Monster Face is an ancient being – a forest monster! Not as creepy as some of my other faces but still to stumble on this fella during a hike in the woods and I bet[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
OK for today’s Halloween Monster Face I went for a Lovecraft influenced fish creature, a rather fishy fisherman. He looks like he’s right out of “The Shadow Over Innsmouth”! Picture walking up to him on a foggy dock and realizing[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
For today’s Halloween Monster Face I did my take on a popular character in online comics – Bigfoot! My Pals Mat, Jeff, and Vince all have their own take on this furry fella! I made mine a tad more menacing[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
For the 16th halloween Monster Face I went with a traditional character – The Old Witch! Yes this old woman is sure to scare any Trick R’ Treaters that come to her door!
The Halloween Monster Face for today is – the tribal demon! I picture explorers on a pacific island incur the wraith of a native witch doctor who summons the tribal demon to take revenge on them!
Yes today’s halloween Monster Face is none other than the dreaded Werepig! What, you never heard of the frightful fiend? Well he doesn’t get much respect being a pig after all!
I have a Bug-Eyed Zombie for day 19 of my Halloween Monster Face challenge! I did another Zombie before but there are so many ways to do them, this one has the shirt he was buried in still intact. Isn’t he[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
For my 20th Halloween Monster face I’ve drawn another classic monster – The Mummy! This is another one of my favorites and don’t be surprised if you see some of these in an upcoming Graveyard Gang adventure! And also on[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…