Buster may have dodged a swatting from Krampus but there’s no escape from his Mama! He seemed pretty pleased with himself too! But I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of Krampus whether he returns for Buster or one of the other kids in The Graveyard Gang! Well what did you think of this little tale? I’d love to hear your thoughts, please leave a comment and I’ll be sure to reply!
Next week you’ll get to see the full image of the cover, so come on back! Thanks for reading!
Buster got busted!
and just when he thought he was in the clear too! *L* Thanks for reading AND commenting Tim, I appreciate it!
I loved this story. It was really cool to see a side story and gave some more depth to these characters. Great work as usual sir. can’t wait for the next one!
Thanks so much Kevin, I’m glad you enjoyed it! Well the humor (for the most part) is over for now as the next 3 stories are much more serious, I hope you enjoy them!
Mama is a Buster buster! Fun strip, Rich!
Yes she is! *L* Thanks so much for commenting Mark, I appreciate it!
Mom knows all and sees all!
Yes she does! It’ll be a bit before Mama Bonetti makes her ‘full’ debut but when she does…