2012 is over!
And what an incredible year it has been for me! I actually got The Graveyard Gang off the ground after many years of plotting and planning. I am so grateful to have gotten this far and I look forward to more in 2013!
But as this year ends I just what to thanks all those that have helped me along the really long road to get here!
First and foremost I want to thank my wife Monica and my children Andrew, Abigail, Angelica, Benjamin, and Christina for their patience and love as I worked to get my comic off the ground. And for their continued understanding as I work up in my room many hours each weekend to create my latest comic page. Also to Monica for her help with the great photos she takes for my cemetery photo blogs.
My friends Patti, Julie and Lily for all their support and advice as I moved forward with getting my comic off the ground.
For my new friends, fellow cartoonists and creators (who I have never met in person, I might add) for all their help and encouragement, such as:
Brad Samuelson – an awesome webcomic creator of the robotistic Sector Four (http://www.sectorfour.com/). Brad is responsible for helping me get my site off the ground. as a total newbie to web design he helped me bring my site ideas to life and if not for him I might still be trying to get my site built. He did all this while juggling his own responsibilities including the birth of his baby girl. Thanks so much Brad!
Kevin Gentilcore – an amazing artist and creator of a great spooky webcomic Teenage Love Zombies (http://teenagelovezombies.com/) Kevin has been such a great supporter of my comic, always with a thoughtful compliment for each of my posts. He has also written some very kind words about my comic not once but twice (http://teenagelovezombies.com/?p=1372 and http://teenagelovezombies.com/?p=1078) Kevin support has been an incredible boost for this new guy on the block. Kevin, you’re the best!
Jon Esparza – a really cool cartoonist I met through Twitter. Jon’s site (http://jonscrazystuff.blogspot.com/) contains his madcap comedy strips Mike and Mindy and Mushrooms. He’s the best cheerleader a guy could have, constantly plugging my comic on Twitter. I can always count on him for a kind thought or a funny comment. He’s great!
Peter Denike – has a great site for webcartoonists called Web Studio D (http://webstudiod.com/) His site has tutorials and video interviews with web cartoonists which is an amazing resource. He was also kind enough to feature my comic in one of his posts (http://webstudiod.com/?p=459) He’s also a mighty fine cartoonist himself! Check out his site, it’s great!
Patrick Scullin – he’s the creator of the great all-ages comic Super Siblings (http://www.supersiblingscomics.com/). He’s also a great guy and he was kind enough to reach out and invite me to join the ‘Family Funnies’ Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/FamilyFunnies) Thanks so much Patrick!
Jason Zaloga – a great code master from http://codecanyon.net/ who helped me get my first ebook made. He showed infinite patience as he answered all my dumb questions. He is due to come out with a code set for making an ebook comic book soon, so check it out.
There are a lot more people out there to thank, and you know who you are, thanks for all your advice and support!
And last but certainly not least, to all of you, my dear readers, thanks so very much for checking out my comic and please keep reading I have some great stories coming up! And oh yeah, please spread the word!
Thanks again and I wish you all the happiest of 2013!